The exam of today make me feel soo hard
especially the Science
The english part paper 2 not lik that easy
And we all feel about the paper 2 section B gt abit weird
Then the Science all is form 2 want !
What the exam for us,arrgggg
Then the english of paper 1 got many many question make me think untill soo longer times
I can't get a correctly question of answer
I got a feeling this time exam i will never get a gud marks that let me feel soo ' man yi ' anymore
Maybe i will get a not very good marks in class
I really feel soo dissapoited to myself
Why sumtimes i cannot concentrate when exam ?
Because of what happen ?
What happen of me ?
Hmm, it's ok la
I'm just want to say all of my feeling at here
Never a person's know about my feeling
But i hope one day i can hang out with my friends happily. =)
* I love my dear friends *