Wake up in a early morning..
when 12sumthing juz goin mcd prep about hsm..
Need say thanks 4 Zi Qiang..
bcz he is belanja me eating mcd..*Thanks
When 2sumthing finish prep..
then Zi Qiang mother fetch me bek..*Thanks again
Then go bek home no ppl..
calling Vina & Chiung ting chatting..*so free har
then keep sms wif Meng,him & Zi Qiang..
When 3.30 Lay Foong is fetch me goin kaikan..
n he is giv a BIG surpise of tat..*Happy
When started..I am doin MC..
Feel so excited about tat time..sweat a lot..
When bek Zi Qiang is giv me a hand make present..
do it by himself..*Clap hand
Then Siew Yan is cuming fetch us at 7.30
Need 2 say thanks 4 Rainbow frens..
bcz they ar singing B'day song 4 me..haha
And i receive a msg by my fren Wei ling..
" 建文,韦霖,steven,川伦,阿zoo,
志扬 祝你生日快乐! " *Thanks
When bek til home already 11.30
Then das is buy a cake 4 me..

He is so pro..OMG..
c tat or nt?so cute..rite?
i wonder my dad real is buy Mp3 4 me..*Thanks dad
And my Grandmother giv me a Ang Pau..*Thanks
My Mother bought a water bottle 4 me..
but be4 the days is borken..quality nt gud..TT
And my Big sis say..when she bek will giv me..kaka
Tis year is the most happy..
Need 2 say thanks 4 my family & my lovely buddies..
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