tis is 2 days camp...
me around 7o'clock my mum call me wake up..
then 8o'clock lik tat...
my dad fetch me go k'mother house...
then we 2gether go eat breakfast...
when we finish breakfast already 9o'clock...
then my dad go 2 working...
me follow my k'mother go TESCO buy sum food go there 2 eat...
then we go penang kaikan 2 help them fetch things...
n fetch a helper person oso...
when we reach telung pahang already 10 o'clock lik tat leh...
then me help them all set up the tent...
me knw hw 2 set up a tent le...
we set up all the tent...
already 1 o'clock..
then we at there take a photo...
then we go eat malay food...
when me finish my malay food...
we sit at there wait them all bek...
my dad n his fren coming 2 c me...
bcz my dad scared me lost at there...==
after a while lik tat...
they all coming bek le..
then we bek...
when we bek tat time...
gt so mnay ppl cum already...
my dad oso stand at there c...
my group was gt 4 person...
after tat...
we all ply a games...
the games was so fun...
i lik...
but my leg was injured...
but nvm la...

when me ar plying the sand tat time...
until nite...
we doin BBQ...
me first time at beach BBQ...
fun oso..
then we ply a game again...
tis games i did ply...
bcz i nt so lik 2 ply tis games...
then we all bek 2 tent again..
already 11 o'clock leh..
they all inside the tent 2 change their sleeping clothes...
then they so fast 2 slp...
my group person so very guai 1...
bcz all ar girls...
then me oso bek 2 my own tent 2 slp...
me is first time go 2 outside camp slp until a whole nite...
did always wake up le slp wake up le slp...
tis is first time...
then the second day...30/11
we all around 6 o'clock lik tat wake up already...
then me go brush my teeth...
then change clothes...
we doin the morning exersice by elvin...
then...is...study time!!
my group is yeap aun 2 teach us...

when yeap aun go ask guai tian tat time...
me write it 1...
after tat..
they all always luan go water there ply...
then yeap aun go ask guai tian...
guai tian say PIC bring us go water there ply...

when we go water there ply tat time...
tis is yeap aun used my hp 2 help us photo up a pic...
then PIC them call us coming up leh...
they call us do sandcastle...

then around 1.30 lik tat...
we say byebye 4 teluk pahang beach...
tis is a happy camp...
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