Today is High School Day !
But dont know why before that i think is study day more than playing
hahaha, actually i feel quite sooong also
That day night we gather at penang kaikan and going by bus
3 honbu is sit in a same bus
When reach there, i was sitting at outside the room for the registration with Chun Kit
Many honbu & chapter papers, make me blur about it
And now only know registration is not easy
Many peoples coming leh, the total got 155 !!
Our target is 140, but we got 155 people on that night
NOT BAD !! hahaha

Daniel & me
That is a happy moment for me
And i was knew some new friends at there too
That night my school also got campfire
But too bad that i didn't going, TT
When taking bus back time, i sms for Iris
Asking her how is the campfire ?
She said, It was sooo high !!
AHHHHH, I want going la !! TT
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