In a early morning, i won't wake up befor 9 or 10 want, hahaha
Espeacially i need to go somewhere
Today i wake up at 7am
I follow my sis & mum going having mcd breakfast & going pasar
I have soo longer times didn't having a mcd breakfast already
It is delicious, yummyyy
I likes ittt !
And my sis so annoying about she always want to drive the car around the house
But my mum is soo scared about her, hahaha

Me : drive go ! drive go ! Like that no need mum walk too much
2nd sis : Dont want la, later mum scold me that didn't get her permission then drive go there.
( Mum is in the car already )
2nd sis : Mum, Just now Ling called me drive go there and fetch you, no need you walk too much.
Mum : Dont be do like this kind things, later you dont know to control and crash !
Me & 2nd sis : ok loh, hahaha
When night, going kaikan and learning the lay khuan dance.
OMGGGG ! Start learning dance at 8pm til 9.30pm didn't got rest also
When start learn this, then dance a while
I feel soo faint & stomach left hand side soo painful
I always feel wanna tell her let me to rest a while
But i not dare, so i always tahan of that faint & painful, =(
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